Writing in Western Mass

I am thrilled to have been selected as one of the Straw Dogs /Edith Wharton Writers In Residence. A collaboration between Straw Dogs Writers Guild and Edith Wharton’s home, The Mount, the residency provides nine writers with a week of uninterrupted time to create in inspired surroundings.


A collection of Mistinguette's appearances as well as discussions of her work.


Where We Stand

August 2018: Mistinguette will be discussing her essay "Black/Land as Threshold : Narrating Trauma and Transcendence" from the forthcoming collection Where We Stand from Mandel Vilar Press (ed. Carolyn Finney). Details TBD.




Mistinguette Smith discusses Black/Land with the editors of Wildness: Relations of People and Place. 


Grist Magazine

An interview with Mistinguette from Grist magazine, a news outlet that focuses on climate, sustainability, and social justice.